Getting to know > Rachel Hunter

Daughter, Sister, Mother, Yogi, Meditation Teacher, Supermodel + Author.
Rachel Hunter is well known for her timeless, natural beauty. In Rachel’s own words, her body has seen many cocoons + rebirths over the last 52 years. And by God’s will it’ll keep shedding.
Her integrated lifestyle approach to wellbeing aligns so deeply with the ethos of Adashiko - working from the inside out to promote wellness + healthy ageing. Rachel’s commitment to serving her soul + nourishing her body + mind is just one of the reasons we feel truly humbled to call her our Adashiko Ambassador.
We took 5 minutes with Rachel to talk about her wellness + skincare rituals, timeless advice passed to her, who she’s inspired by + discovered what brings her peace.
We hope you enjoy the read as much as we loved the conversation.
Star Sign: Virgo
Must-have Adashiko Collagen + Skincare:
The Collagen Hydra + Gold Serum and also the Collagen Gel Cloth Masque. These are amazing to put on after flights or those really dry days !

Daily Skincare Ritual:
Water ~ soaking in baths !
Soaking the skin in moisture as I have very dry skin.
Spraying rose water always!
Gently exfoliating, then using the moisturizer is such an amazing result. Dewy glowing skin!
Do you have any wellness rituals you practice daily?
Rituals are a beautiful way of incorporating self care, to explore and for creativity.
This can be from meditation to juices.
Certain delicious options to eat when choosing to cleanse and nourish myself. This is seasonal for me and changes always. My meditation is Moon Acknowledgement ~ always.
What does health + beauty mean to you?
Health is Wealth! Bottom line.
Beauty ~ So personal for all. For me it’s an internal expression. Soul Beauty ~ hence why the tours I did were called Beauty of the Soul.
But there is always beauty in growth.
Best piece of advice you've received:
Get out of my way !!
Sometimes we really just get in our own way. Eg: I can’t do this because ~ or that person did this so I can’t etc etc. Stories after stories. Get out of your own way !
Your biggest inspiration:
My mother ~ she was such a free spirit when we were growing up! All the spiritual exploring. Her devotion to us, her daughters.
Also my children Renee and Liam .
What brings you peace:
My children and I gathering.
Teaching Yoga.