Adashiko Case Study: Hair Growth

There's a lot of hype online about hair growth products and supplements, coupled with a large amount of scepticism - and for a good reason. Hair gummies and vitamins often contain basic ingredients like silica or zinc, and while these are beneficial for the body, it's unlikely you would get rapid or drastic hair growth from taking them.
Collagen, on the other hand, seems to be a real hair growth wonder: one of the most common benefits people mention while they're taking Adashiko is fast-growing, thicker, stronger hair. While there is yet to be any comprehensive research done on hair growth and collagen (probably due in part to the high cost of scientific studies), some of the results we see are incredible - check out Bex West's case study below.
How does collagen make hair grow?
Until clinical studies on collagen and hair growth are undertaken, we can assume the following:
- Collagen is high in an essential amino acid called proline, which is a building block for keratin, the primary protein that comprises hair. Therefore, more collagen = more keratin = stronger, healthier hair.
- Collagen strengthens all the layers of the skin. A healthy scalp means healthy hair, and a strong dermis means healthy hair follicles and less hair thinning and loss.
Case study and interview: Bex West from Clique Fitness
Colouring can be so hard on hair. Tell us a little bit about your hair colour, breakage, and growth journey.
I was bleach blonde for about a year, and anyone who has been blonde knows how tough it is on your hair. I went without really putting much effort into looking after it, unfortunately, which resulted in a large chunk of my hair breaking off on the side of my head, just above my ear. It was definitely a wake-up call - I needed to look after my hair (and should have been looking after it the whole time!).
I started with dying my hair back to brown and spoke to a professional who suggested treating the damage from the inside, as well as the outside, with a collagen product - this is where Adashiko comes in. Since taking Adashiko Collagen Ultra, I've seen a dramatic change in my hair - not only in the growth of the part that was broken but also in the overall health. According to my hairdresser, I have a lot of new growth as well, which makes my hair feel lush and full.
How long did it take before you noticed the benefits of taking Adashiko?
I saw my hair grow 6cm in around three months! For me, I noticed after about a month because the change in length of the broken section of my hair was so drastic. It was really beneficial being able to look back at photos of my hair pre taking Adashiko. My hair is so much healthier now!!
Aside from your incredible hair growth results, did you notice any other benefits?
YES. I also started using the collagen and Noni gel - the combination of both Adashiko Collagen Ultra and Collagen + Noni gel has helped my skin immensely. My skin is dry and prone to acne - not many products are gentle but also help with acne, and I've seen such a difference in my skin. The Collagen + Noni gel is now all I use under makeup as well. Dream product!
We know you're a health food lover; how do you like to take your Adashiko?
It's so easy to take with water that this is my go-to. I never forget because I use Adashiko and water to take my supplements before bed. I also add it to my green smoothies.
Bex loves her Adashiko results so much that she and her sister/business partner Carena are joining the Adashiko family as our newest ambassadors.
If you've spent any time on Instagram lately, you will recognise iconic booty-lifting, squat proof Clique compression leggings in a heartbeat. Bex and Carena run Clique Fitness from Auckland, New Zealand, and we can confirm that they are the best workout leggings you'll ever wear. Don't snooze, get yourself a pair ASAP.